Tel Aviv’s Best Spots
Ten days to go to the Eurovision 2019 Song Contest – after Netta’s victory in last year’s event, her hometown of Tel Aviv will be hosting the contest this year. We have already shared with you some tips for first time visitors to Tel Aviv, this time we have some great recommendations from the people of Tel Aviv or TLV as we will refer to it, just like the people of Tel Aviv do. We’ve asked Tel-Avivians to share their “locals’ secrets” and choose their favourite places in the city. Add it to your bucket list and enjoy!
Ilia Yefimovich (age 31), Photojournalist
Rothschild Boulevard:
“This boulevard is the essence of this city. It starts just 10 minutes walk from the beach, leading to Habima square, another TLV monument. Rothschild is where you can spot all types of Tel Avivians. Its tall trees provide some great shaded corners in the hot summer days and it also offers one of the best bicycle lanes in the city. There are some great coffee shops along the blvd and you can find some great pubs in its west-end part.
There’s no better place to enjoy the people and the atmosphere of this city. Find your bench or a piece of green grass, or maybe a hammock (these are available in the part closer to Habima Square) and feel the vibe of the city”.
More info on what Rothschild blvd. has to offer here:
Arnon Fisher (age 42), bicycle shop owner, mechanic, frame builder and designer, barista, entrepreneur
The Bike Cafe:
Arnon has been in the bike shop business since 2008. In 2017 the Bike Cafe opened, combining the love of bicycle and coffee:
“The Bike Cafe is the perfect place for lovers of coffee and bicycles. It is the glue that connects the elements of urban movement and daily life with the taste of coffee and street music culture. The aesthetics, eclecticism and the human diversity are the things that make The Bike Cafe a cultural, almost spiritual centre where every moment is interesting”.
The Bike Cafe Harakevet st. 18 TLV Tel: +(972)3-7525258
Website: www.bikecafe.co.il
Michal Ingber (age 31), dancer, choreographer and dance teacher
Naim Dance Studio:
“Dance is what gives me life, it’s why I get up in the morning.
Naim always has a positive atmosphere, very professional teachers and a huge variety of classes – Yoga, Pilates, Ballet, African Kickboxing, TRX and Meditation. There is a class starting every hour so I can always find a class I can join”.
The studio has nine centres in TLV offering over 400 classes a week. You can join a single class or purchase a “tourist pack” while visiting.
Website: www.naim.org.il/en/
Vitas Dijokas (age 41), CFO and traveller
Jaffa Port:
“The harbour is the place where you can get as close to the waterfront as possible in the Tel Aviv- Jaffa metropoline [the local bus route]. When I moved to Tel Aviv, less than a year ago, living by the sea was my greatest dream about life in this city. So I may not be living on the waterfront, but I do live just seven minutes away from the beach and the Jaffa port, being so approachable either by car or by bicycle, is always there for me to take a pause,on my way home, on my way to a meeting or just on those sleepless nights.
It’s an old times harbour with a new vibe to it, where you can view old-school fishermen and also enjoy pubs, coffee shops and clubs”.
For more information visit the Jaffa Port website: www.namalyafo.co.il/en/
Noa Kris (age 35), Hebrew teacher, owner of “Hebrew Therapy”, poet and artist
Bialik Square:
“I absolutely love this square! It’s a magical place. I think it’s one of the most beautiful and inspirational places in TLV.
It brings together some great cultural centres, Bilalik’s Home, the old city hall, which has gorgeous architecture, the Reuven Rubin Museum and Felicja Blumental Music Centre. The rounded plaza gives a very complete and wholesome feeling, Definitely my TLV favourite!”.
Yonatan Orr (age 13.5), middle school student, swimmer, computer geek
Danny Orr (almost 11 y.o), primary school student, drummer, living Wikipedia
Dizengoff Center Shopping Mall, Yonatan’s favourite place in the city :
“I love that it’s walking distance away from my mom’s house. It has a cinema we love going to and a great comic store named Comicaza. On Thursdays and Fridays we like going to the “Center” to have something from the food market for lunch or dinner. You can also find some great gaming stores selling not only gaming gadgets but also merchandised outfits.”
The Dizengoff Center official website: www.dizengof-center.co.il
Meir Park (Gan Meir), Danny’s favourite spot in the city:
“I love the park because it has a different atmosphere than most parks I know in Israel. It has the outdoor gym part which I really like, although I’m not yet allowed to use it (since I’m not 12 yet), but I like sitting on the different fitness stations there and pretend I’m trying really hard.
I also love going to shows and outdoor parties they sometimes organise there. I had my last birthday party there and it was really great”.
The Meir Park also has a special dog garden, a playground and the young LGTB centre is located in a building in the park, where you can also enjoy a coffee shop on the ground floor.
Read more about the park here: www.timeout.com/israel/attractions/gan-meir-meir-park
Do you have your favourite spots in TLV? Share with us on our FB page!