Sustainability, Travel Inspiration, Travel Tips

World Ocean Day: How You Can Contribute to Saving the Ocean (While Travelling!)


Each June 8th, we celebrate World Ocean Day. While protecting our oceans should be an everyday practice, this date is an excellent reminder of their importance and the ideal opportunity to raise awareness of how we can induce change.

The best part is that you don’t have to stop travelling to make a difference—all you need to do is take action. Luckily, the following six tips can improve your travelling experience while preserving the ocean for generations to come.


Choose Your Destination, Travel Agencies, and Resorts Wisely


The first step in eco-travel is research. Don’t focus exclusively on the cheapest prices available—be sure to choose wisely and invest in businesses and projects that comply with sustainability and environmental practices.

Selecting travel agencies that offset their carbon footprint, sustainable resorts that invest money and effort in remaining ocean-friendly, and locally-owned travel businesses are all small efforts that can contribute to ocean protection.


Use Reef-Safe Sunscreen


Protecting your skin from the sun is a must if you aim to keep it youthful for longer and prevent skin cancer. However, some sunscreens have a negative impact on the ocean, so be sure to choose wisely.

Enter oxybenzone and octinoxate, two components prevalent in chemical-type sunscreens. These sunscreens efficiently protect your skin from sun radiation, but they also cause deformities in baby corals, eventually damaging their DNA and bleaching them.

The solution? Use mineral sunscreens with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, or labelled as “reef-safe.”


Choose Your Souvenirs Carefully


Although they may be beautiful, purchasing marine souvenirs can contribute to the destruction of the oceans in the name of financial gain.

Each time you purchase a pretty seashell, you encourage the plundering of corals and marine habitats. To supply the demand, many opt for animal cruelty and other horrifying activities, which can damage the ocean beyond what’s sustainable.

Although some may be acquired ethically, it’s hard to distinguish truths from lies, so it’s best to stay clear of these gifts and souvenirs.


Support Marine Conservation Projects


The best way to support the oceans is through direct action and impact. If you have time and availability, take a moment from your trip to support a local marine conservation project in your destination.

While donations are great, you could also buy everlasting memories by participating in hands-on activities. For example, you can volunteer to save turtles or take part in coral conservation projects. There are countless options, so be sure to research ahead of time!


Scuba Drive Wisely


As the diving industry grows, so does the damage caused by irresponsible scuba practices, and many operators fail to provide the guidelines to ensure minimal impact on coral reefs.

This does not mean you cannot dive and witness the ocean’s beauty firsthand—rather, it just means you have to proceed wisely.

Choose sustainable operators that take time and effort to instruct you on the dos and don’ts of diving and follow their instructions closely—it makes a huge difference!


Practice General Environmental Etiquette


Even if you don’t follow the tips mentioned earlier, you can make a huge difference by being environmentally conscious and practising the proper green etiquette throughout your trip.

For example, consider your carbon footprint and reduce your emissions by using public transport if available or travelling by foot if needed. You can also avoid loitering or, if possible, volunteer to clean the beaches at your destination.

A little goes a long way, and these small changes can have a huge impact on the oceans’ well-being. Plus, it’ll also make you feel much better during your vacation. After all, who doesn’t want to make a difference?


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