10 Packing Tips for Carefree Traveling
62 percent of Americans over-pack.
In a new study examining Americans travel and packing habits conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Trunk Club (a personal styling service), 65 percent admit to having real difficulty when it comes to packing for a trip. A third of those surveyed revealed they pack their luggage just 24 hours before leaving. Since we know packing can be stressful for some, we’ve put together a list of 10 tips to get you through the packing process feeling more carefree and relaxed than ever before:
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash
Make A List: We know this seems like the obvious, still, following a list is the best way to avoid packing glitches and heartbreak (just imagine forgetting your favourite poolside T shirt or your baby’s favourite stuffed animal…). It is best to have a basic list always at hand, one that only needs a few alterations according to your destination and to the season of the year – we recommend creating a general list on Google Sheets and update its tabs based on destination and season!
Check The Weather Forecast: Another basic which is too often skipped. Checking the weather at your destination will have you packing just the right stuff, no “what if’” items and no “in case it snows in July” unnecessary heavy coats. Packing according to the weather will also save you money, the money you might be spending on buying items at your destination which you could have easily thrown in your suitcase if only you’d known…
Buy Lightweight Luggage: Today’s suitcases are made of strong, colourful and – most importantly – very lightweight materials. Investing in good luggage is something you’ll never regret. It will make your travels easier and reduce chances of upsetting “overweight luggage incidents”.
Wash Before You Pack: If you really love some items you’re planning on packing for your trip, do plan ahead and calculate the time you might need to do your laundry before you start packing. This will make your arrival and unpacking at your destination a more positive experience and also keep the inside of your luggage fresh, bringing along a familiar smell of laundry.
Pack With Your Kids: If your kids are old enough to express their opinion they sure are old enough to take an active part in getting ready for your family trip. Ask your kids to pick a few favourite items, whether those are clothes, toys or even a favourite blanket or pillow. Packing with your kids will make them feel like equals and it might also prevent some unwanted possible “Where’s my Spider-man T shirt?!?!?” incidents.
Take the bear minimum ; Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
Roll Up and Box: Roll up items for better use of your luggage space! This easy packing hack has been known to work, not only allowing you to pack more items but also to keep them in a relatively decent wearable condition. If you are more of a Folding Person, consider getting packing cubes – these will make it easier to separate different items and help keep organised, easy to manage luggage.
Shoes are Great Drawers: Another hack which never gets old! Use your shoes for storage. Put a clean plastic bag into your shoes and stuff your small items in that space.
Know The Limits: Check your airline website for luggage restrictions. With today’s low-cost travel options, it is also important you make sure what your ticket allows. It is best to check additional luggage costs for a relaxed, “no surprises” check-in.
Weigh Your Luggage: Portable luggage scales are GREAT, helping you manage your luggage and making sure you are within the limits, before getting to the airline desk and having to empty your suitcase in front of an impatient crowd.
Folding Bags to the Rescue: If your following our Magazine you must know by now that we absolutely LOVE those small – yet big (!) lifesavers. Keep at least one inside your packed luggage, having a small lightweight folding bag can be a game changer, especially overweight luggage is concerned.
Travel More, Pack Less & Happy Travels!